Box from Amazon showed up (Wife yelled at me for buying more stuff...), my Secret Santa sent me a $10 MS points card via email a couple days ago, and the rest are here now!
The larger of the two note:
LEGO! Who doesn't love LEGO! It's going in the game room display.
The second is so awesome... My name sake since I was 14 and playing Doom.. Scud, The Disposable Assassin.
Again, thank you so much Secret Santa (Jon) for the super generous gifts! They are very much appreciated and right up my alley!
My SS has struck again! (Part 3!!!)
The reveal! Thank you @Darunia106 , you are so generous. It most definitely made me feel the spirit of giving this year and I will participate again next year.
Mrs. Scudmuffin is very excited over this. We LOVE Trader Joes Peanut butter cups (who wouldn't.. well those with nut allergies... but meh.) Also included, Toblerone, Kisses (daaaawwwww), and some Belgian chocolate :D