Hypatia_PA: Alexander finally sat still with the box after like 10 tries.
Hypatia_PA: 2 Envelopes, and 3 "Tablets". Interesting. I guess I should follow the directions...
Hypatia_PA: Nicely done, even has a little owl for a wax seal.
Hypatia_PA: Intriguing. Well I do love a mystery, so lets Delve a little Deeper.
Hypatia_PA: hmmm... that 30 years is a long time, I am getting to be a bit of an old man now, hah! After a bit of reminiscense (did I spell that right... sure we'll run with that). Its time for the first Tablet.
Hypatia_PA: This was attached to a bag originally which contained...
Hypatia_PA: A Guardians of the Galaxy Shirt! HELL YES! Awesome design too! I love it!
Hypatia_PA: Now for Tablet 2
Hypatia_PA: And the finale, Tablet 3
Hypatia_PA: Well I do want to be the Very Best.
Hypatia_PA: So what is in the box... ITS SQUIRTLE!
Hypatia_PA: So it appears that my adventure into FORK (totally not Zork... thats copyrighted) has concluded.
Hypatia_PA: In addition to the previous GIFT GETS of my Guardians of the Galaxy shirt (which I have already worn. love it!), and a Squirtle.... I can now add: