Hypatia_PA: I'm not sure who my santa is but i got a gift via a proxy! (I hope others don't mind if I use their gift get link)
Hypatia_PA: Yay got a package in the mail! Lucky my room mate grabbed it before it snowed on Saturday cause I was out of town since Thursday. (Think it arrived on Friday)
Hypatia_PA: Sorry about crummy shot I have shaky hands with the ipad. Hope no one mines the editing cause I'm a weirdo like that! (I like my anonymity)
Hypatia_PA: Oh boy santa is spoiling me!
Hypatia_PA: Alright opened my xmas gifts and got...
Hypatia_PA: Tried a round of Pandemic.
Hypatia_PA: Ended up losing the first time! But the second time we beat it. Definitely a must have game. Also tried some For The Win.
Hypatia_PA: It is a pretty neat quick game to play as well. Well to finish off my santa decided to steam bomb me with another game on steam!