Hypatia_PA: Gandalf arrives!
Hypatia_PA: "Speak friend, and enter"
Hypatia_PA: "Monkeys are not often seen this far South"
Hypatia_PA: Terrifying, and yet polite.
Hypatia_PA: "No pony, zombie defense serum is not for you! I'm saving it for Shadowfax."
Hypatia_PA: "What alchemy is this?"
Hypatia_PA: "Treasures from the elves, no doubt."
Hypatia_PA: Zombie Defense
Hypatia_PA: Life Savers
Hypatia_PA: "Finally, a way of turning the tide against the Enemy."
Hypatia_PA: Pony powerup!
Hypatia_PA: "Gandalf, I'm afraid."
Hypatia_PA: "Gandalf, I am terrified!"
Hypatia_PA: "Do not worry, my dear Frodo, it is a Dwarven gold bank designed to scare off those who might steal their monies!"
Hypatia_PA: Pony is in trouble.
Hypatia_PA: "Hooray Gandalf, Christmas is saved!"