Hypatia_PA: Visiting at my parents, my package smelling cat is not available, so I enlist our guard dog.
Hypatia_PA: She is not very good at her job, but I risk going in anyway (Excellent wrapping btw).
Hypatia_PA: First thing I find is a note!
Hypatia_PA: And under the note, giftage...
Hypatia_PA: ...and a messenger!
Hypatia_PA: First up is a most excellent Ravenclaw tie. I actually have one already, but it lacks the sweet house emblem so this will give me a classy alternative!
Hypatia_PA: Then a book (gay!) that is one of my favorite genres (post-apocalyptic) that I am looking forward to getting in to. Will be the first actual book I have read in awhile since I got my kindle a couple years back!
Hypatia_PA: There are also some chocolate pretzels that are super scrumptious and box of chocolates. But hey, why is there still a receipt on this thing...
Hypatia_PA: And finally, the whole haul: