Hypatia_PA: My Santa must have found the bodybuilding magazines I keep under the bed, because I got another ebook!
Hypatia_PA: Before getting this package today, my Santa had already gifted me twice with ebooks:
Hypatia_PA: This one I'll probably get to afterwards.
Hypatia_PA: Now a wild box appeared!
Hypatia_PA: This is a job for the CHRISTMAS AVENGERS
Hypatia_PA: The two heavy hitters start off by investigating the box....
Hypatia_PA: Oh no! The goodwill and cheer was simply too much for them!
Hypatia_PA: Captain America decides to take one of the presents head on! Will he reveal what's underneath the colorful masking?
Hypatia_PA: YES This is awesome, as I been meaning to play this game, and didn't get to. Oh man, I can't wait to do start inhabiting some steampunk era bodies. But wait, what about the other box?
Hypatia_PA: Ironman, Iron Fist and Dr. Strange step up to the plate and give it their all!
Hypatia_PA: NO Super Awesome and totally stud DEADPOOL arrives to the scene, armed to the hilt! This will clearly be the battle of the century! Wait..Deadpool seems to be getting distracted...
Hypatia_PA: Oh Deadpool!
Hypatia_PA: The gifts again.