Hypatia_PA: okay, so most of this post was put together on a phone, apologies if something doesn't work.
Hypatia_PA: Okay, so book in a second, but the letter reads:
Hypatia_PA: Letter part 2
Hypatia_PA: The book in question?
Hypatia_PA: oh wait, MORE?
Hypatia_PA: and inside?
Hypatia_PA: and more:
Hypatia_PA: Thank you for all the chocolate. My wife really liked it all. Finally:
Hypatia_PA: my own infernal! I've mained a warlock on and off since the Gates of AQ opened in WoW. Thanks for my personal guardian pet. I will bring this to work to watch over me.
Hypatia_PA: Man, that was exhausting...