Hypatia_PA: I was just PMd some interesting news: that this was from my Santa, so Gift Get!
Hypatia_PA: A Steam code! For
Hypatia_PA: Earlier today, in the Steam thread I responded to a post about how everybody should buy FTL with a post about how I'm broke (which I am). SANTA HEARD
Hypatia_PA: I got two boxes in the mail, both from Amazon, both containing neatly wrapped things, neither of which I was responsible for ordering. This can only mean that my anonymous Santa has struck again!
Hypatia_PA: I open the first note first, proclaiming that it's right to open it first, and that it contains a game.
Hypatia_PA: Not just any game, but the PSP game Jeanne d'Arc!
Hypatia_PA: The second gift note mentions a movie, one not on my Amazon wishlist, that ties into the game. What could it be?
Hypatia_PA: Classic Criterion Collection version of a silent film of Joan of Arc! Fun fact: this movie was lost until it was found in a Norwegian mental institution in 1981.