Hypatia_PA: I just got violently accosted by an angry Santa!
Hypatia_PA: A7X! Bloody NIGHTMARE WHOOO it's gonna be fun flailing and failing these over and over. Also The Final Countdown "because I am european" and Bohemian Rhapsody because it's Bohemian Rhapsody duh.
Hypatia_PA: And a link to this; http://i.imgur.com/rBxbq.jpg
Hypatia_PA: An enormous package dropped from the sky, it's thick carapace too much for me to handle. I reluctantly enlisted the help of Cat and Loki.
Hypatia_PA: Cat got bored and left, Loki proved ineffective. I had to bring out the heavy hitters...
Hypatia_PA: Hulk smashed the package (and Loki) hard enough to split it wide open. Santa repossessed Loki's spear and his dark reign began.
Hypatia_PA: What's this? A Series 8 Minifig Blind Bag... could it be!? A second Santa!
Hypatia_PA: Guess which is my Secret Santa new arrival?
Hypatia_PA: A note!
Hypatia_PA: With some more note.
Hypatia_PA: And some closure.
Hypatia_PA: Brick candy oh my! I wonder how many child chokings this will indirectly cause?
Hypatia_PA: This one feels kinda gay
Hypatia_PA: Looks kinda gay too!
Hypatia_PA: Woah, a LEGO BOOK! That's pretty gay dude. I love it <3
Hypatia_PA: Lego Saint Effin Nick meets his ancestor and stabs him.
Hypatia_PA: One final thing. It's round. I ripped the paper off to reveal...
Hypatia_PA: I don't even. okangamg]sagh
Hypatia_PA: I flipped that bad boy over to reveal Santa's truest identity;
Hypatia_PA: The assembled hoard;
Hypatia_PA: Also Lego Hulk really digs this strange 'merican bubble wrap;
Hypatia_PA: Also a BONUS GIFT GET!! but from a non-secret Santa, though still forum based!