Hypatia_PA: So a mysterious package arrived for me at my parents house earlier today
Hypatia_PA: Inside, a very fancy looking sort of gift box!
Hypatia_PA: It contained some very delicious cookies. Thank you Santa!
Hypatia_PA: A mysterious email has appeared from my Santa!
Hypatia_PA: I have presents!
Hypatia_PA: Get out of there Cactuar, you're no cat!
Hypatia_PA: Cactuar is shocked the larger packaged contained three smaller ones!
Hypatia_PA: A mysterious note! And a game you say?!
Hypatia_PA: Why it's Persona 4 Arena! I've been wanting to pick this up for a while, awesome!
Hypatia_PA: And word of graphic novels? Most excellent!
Hypatia_PA: Fables: Legends in Exile! I love Fables but I hadn't had a chance to read this one yet!
Hypatia_PA: And the first volume of Preacher?! You spoiled me too much Santa! I've heard awesome things about this series.
Hypatia_PA: The whole haul: