Hypatia_PA: Cannon Fodder
Hypatia_PA: Blood
Hypatia_PA: King of Dragon Pass
Hypatia_PA: Wing Commander 1 & 2
Hypatia_PA: Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri
Hypatia_PA: Ultima Underworld 1 & 2
Hypatia_PA: Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers
Hypatia_PA: Anyway, holy cow. Elkatas dropped a classic PC gaming bomb on me!
Hypatia_PA: Another haul of GoG Goodies from Santa @Elkatas!
Hypatia_PA: Darwinia
Hypatia_PA: Symphony
Hypatia_PA: Torchlight
Hypatia_PA: Alan Wake's American Nightmare
Hypatia_PA: To The Moon
Hypatia_PA: These actually came with the games in the previous gift post I made, but it turns out that I'm an unobservant doofus right after I wake up! So without further ado...
Hypatia_PA: Gemini Rue
Hypatia_PA: Uplink: Hacker Elite
Hypatia_PA: SpaceChem
Hypatia_PA: Trine
Hypatia_PA: Defcon: Everybody Dies