Shaun Barrows: Yashica-A6
Shaun Barrows: Yashica-A7
Shaun Barrows: Yashica-A1
Shaun Barrows: Yashica-A2
Shaun Barrows: Yashica-A3
Shaun Barrows: Yashica-A4
Shaun Barrows: Yashica-A5
Shaun Barrows: Yashica-A
Shaun Barrows: First TTV Attempt - FAIL
Shaun Barrows: YashicaNatGeoBuilding
Shaun Barrows: Shifty, Grumpy Tourists
Shaun Barrows: Yashica Nationals Stadium
Shaun Barrows: Yashica SE, Washington DC
Shaun Barrows: YashicaAmericanHistory2
Shaun Barrows: YashicaConductor
Shaun Barrows: Yashica 17th St and M NW, Washington DC
Shaun Barrows: YashciaAmericanHistory1
Shaun Barrows: Yashica-A Self
Shaun Barrows: Kaitlyn Early Morning (Uncle Shaun, your camera looks broken).
Shaun Barrows: Dorchester House Taxi Stand
Shaun Barrows: Detroit to Torledo
Shaun Barrows: Early Morning, National Airport, Washington DC
Shaun Barrows: Before Take Off
Shaun Barrows: The Jefferson, Washington DC
Shaun Barrows: Boy and His Dog
Shaun Barrows: Locked Bag
Shaun Barrows: Messenger, 17th Street
Shaun Barrows: Fire Department Training Facility, Toledo Ohio