Shaun Barrows: and all the pieces matter.
Shaun Barrows: and fire was a concern
Shaun Barrows: and the zombie girl watches quietly
Shaun Barrows: Zombie Girl Graffiti
Shaun Barrows: Dinner for One
Shaun Barrows: Dumpster Diver
Shaun Barrows: Dumpster Diver Reverse
Shaun Barrows: This one didn't make it...
Shaun Barrows: Florida Ave Rubble
Shaun Barrows: Florida Ave Repairs Under Way
Shaun Barrows: Florida Ave Water Main Update
Shaun Barrows: Another load of rubble out.
Shaun Barrows: Early Morning Repairs, Florida Ave
Shaun Barrows: Street Repair, Florida Ave
Shaun Barrows: Water Main Break 17th and U
Shaun Barrows: Seaton and 17th St, Washington DC
Shaun Barrows: No Man is an Island
Shaun Barrows: Underwater Apartment
Shaun Barrows: Florida Ave Under Water
Shaun Barrows: Waiting it Out
Shaun Barrows: Water Main Break, Florida Ave Washington DC
Shaun Barrows: Florida Ave Flooded Sidewalk
Shaun Barrows: ...and the kitchen sink.
Shaun Barrows: Alley Trash 2
Shaun Barrows: Cleaning Up Water Main Break
Shaun Barrows: Dropbox
Shaun Barrows: Dumpster Boobs
Shaun Barrows: Dumpster Graffiti
Shaun Barrows: Vacant Park Bench