Chuck68: The night before the trip
Chuck68: The two Yay-Hoos that gave me a ride to the airport
Chuck68: Clown in Guatemala City
Chuck68: Heading out of Guatemala City
Chuck68: Esquipulas, Guatemala
Chuck68: Mexican TV network interviewing visitors to Esquipulas
Chuck68: Taking in the scene in Esquipulas
Chuck68: Inside the Basilica in Esquipulas
Chuck68: Inside the Basilica in Esquipulas
Chuck68: Replica of the Basilica
Chuck68: Line to see the Black Christ
Chuck68: Line to see the Black Christ
Chuck68: There's a laughing child inside there. (Esquipulas)
Chuck68: Esquipulas
Chuck68: Esquipulas
Chuck68: Adorned hats in Esquipulas
Chuck68: Adorned hats in Esquipulas
Chuck68: Figurine store (Esquipulas)
Chuck68: More figurines (Esquipulas)
Chuck68: Garifuna women from Livingston, Guatemala braiding hair in Esquipulas
Chuck68: Garifuna women from Livingston, Guatemala braiding hair in Esquipulas
Chuck68: Riding past Chiquimula
Chuck68: A few of the many buses we rode
Chuck68: Pulling in to Esquipulas
Chuck68: Carnival
Chuck68: Foosball pavillion at carnival (Esquipulas)
Chuck68: Basilica in Esquipulas
Chuck68: Family in Esquipulas