royalist_today: King & Queen 14.12.1967
royalist_today: King Constantine II 1964
royalist_today: Funeral King Paul 1964
royalist_today: Poem to King Constantine
royalist_today: King at home
royalist_today: John Fanarakis
royalist_today: King Constantine II of the Hellenes and Prince Nikolaos
royalist_today: Greek Royal Family 1961
royalist_today: Funeral King Frederik IX 1972
royalist_today: Funeral King Frederik IX
royalist_today: King Frederik's funeral 1972
royalist_today: Queen Anne-Marie, King Frederik, Queen Margrethe
royalist_today: Queen Frideriki of the Hellenes
royalist_today: Baptism Crown Prince Pavlos of Greece on the 29th of June 1967 in Athens' Cathedrale
royalist_today: Baptism of Crown Prince Pavlos of Greece in Athens 1967
royalist_today: Christening of Crown Prince Pavlos of Greece 29th June 1967
royalist_today: King Constantine II in Thessaloniki
royalist_today: King Constantine of the Hellenes in Thessaloniki
royalist_today: Queen Anne-Marie in Thessaloniki 1967
royalist_today: King Constantine II of the Hellenes and his family
royalist_today: Greek Royal Family 1967
royalist_today: Greek Royal Family in spring 1969 in Villa Paolozzi, Italy
royalist_today: King Constantine II of the Hellenes and Queen Anne-Marie Rome 1969
royalist_today: Baptism of Prince Nicolaos of Greece
royalist_today: Baptism in Rome
royalist_today: Danish King Frederik IX and Queen Ingrid of Denmark with their daughter, Queen Anne-Marie of the Hellenes
royalist_today: Queen Anne-Marie of the Hellenes
royalist_today: Royal insignia - on Princess Sophia's wedding with Spanish Prince Juan Carlos
royalist_today: King George II of the Hellenes on the Time magazine cover
royalist_today: King George II of the Hellenes