Tim J Preston: Helophilus pendulus Hoverfly portrait 12092013 SJ642127
Tim J Preston: Wasp on fallen fruit 12092013 SJ642127
Tim J Preston: Eristalis tenax Hoverfly on Buddleia 12092013 3 SJ642127
Tim J Preston: Eristalis tenax Hoverfly on Buddleia 12092013 SJ642127
Tim J Preston: Eristalis tenax Hoverfly on Buddleia 12092013 2 SJ642127
Tim J Preston: Helophilus pendulus Hoverfly 12092013 SJ642127
Tim J Preston: Green bottle on fallen fruit 12092013 SJ642127
Tim J Preston: Flesh Flies SJ642127
Tim J Preston: Eupeodes Nitens? Hover fly SJ642127
Tim J Preston: Figwort Sawfly pair Shawbury Heath 02082013 SJ541201
Tim J Preston: Scorpion Fly Female Tee Lake Meadow 070713 SJ642127
Tim J Preston: Lacewing Chysopa Perla SJ642127
Tim J Preston: Black and Red Alder Sawfly Eriocampa ovata Dothill 30062013 SJ642127
Tim J Preston: Greenfly Dothill 30062013 SJ642127
Tim J Preston: Helophilus pendulus Hoverfly Dothill 29062013 SJ642127
Tim J Preston: Helophilus pendulus Hoverfly 2 Dothill 29062013 SJ642127
Tim J Preston: Gold Fly Tee Lake 26062013 Dipteria Chrysopilus-cristatus
Tim J Preston: Scorpion Fly Male Tee Lake Meadow 170613 SJ642127
Tim J Preston: Snipe Fly? ID req 17062013 Tee Lake Meadow SJ642127
Tim J Preston: Ichnneumon of some description SJ637093
Tim J Preston: Fungus gnat - Sciara hemerobioides thanks to Maria for ID SJ637093
Tim J Preston: Hover Shawbury Heath SJ541201
Tim J Preston: Busy Platform. 20 wings, not one flutter of flight! Shawbury Heath SJ541201
Tim J Preston: Hover Myathropa florea Shawbury Heath SJ541201
Tim J Preston: Hover Myathropa florea Shawbury Heath SJ541201
Tim J Preston: Busy Platform Shawbury Heath SJ541201
Tim J Preston: Hoverfly on a Sunflower Powys Castle SJ217064
Tim J Preston: Hoverfly on Bramble 2 SJ637093
Tim J Preston: Hoverfly on Bramble SJ637093
Tim J Preston: Fly, Bluebottle SJ637093