daveo12: A very wet Central Station campground, Fraser Island P1030530
daveo12: Aggressive dingo on the beach on Fraser Island CR8B7599
daveo12: Angourie Beach, Yuraygir National Park P1030813
daveo12: Angourie Point, Yuraygir National Park CR8B8006
daveo12: Bargara Beach, Rockhampton P1030475
daveo12: Basin Lake, Fraser Island DSC00385
daveo12: Beach driving towards Indian Head, Fraser Island P1030591
daveo12: Beach driving with a Fraser Island dingo. Poyungan Rocks, Fraser Island CR8B7110
daveo12: Beach driving, Fraser Island CR8B7167
daveo12: Beach driving, Fraser Island CR8B7337
daveo12: Beach driving, Fraser Island CR8B7609
daveo12: Beach driving, Fraser Island DSC00461
daveo12: Beach driving, Fraser Island IMG_1363
daveo12: Beach landing zone near Eli Creek, Fraser Island CR8B7559
daveo12: Black Rocks Campground, Bundjalung National Park CR8B7879
daveo12: Blue-eyed honeyeater, Dili Village, Fraser Island CR8B7693
daveo12: Blue-eyed honeyeater, Dili Village, Fraser Island IMG_1154
daveo12: Bombay Point Ferry, Myall Lakes CR8B8153
daveo12: Boonoo Boonoo bush camping CR8B7061
daveo12: Boonoo Boonoo Falls CR8B7068
daveo12: Brunswick Heads DSC00486
daveo12: Brunswick Heads DSC00490
daveo12: Butterflies, Central Station, Fraser Island IMG_1333
daveo12: Byron Bay Lighthouse CR8B7795
daveo12: Byron Bay Lighthouse CR8B7817
daveo12: Carpet python and friends, Wanggoolba Creek, Central Station, Fraser Island DSC00397
daveo12: Carpet python, Wanggoolba Creek, Central Station, Fraser Island DSC00399
daveo12: Central Station Campground, Fraser Island CR8B7109
daveo12: Champagne Pools, Fraser Island CR8B7404
daveo12: Curious dingo on the beach on Fraser Island CR8B7591