ski paddle norway: Day 221.4 One of the traditional hamlets with old boat sheds on Bjoroyna island
ski paddle norway: Day 222.1 The magnificent Statsraad Lehmkuhl sailing boat by the town of Sund
ski paddle norway: Day 222.2 Another look at the Statsraad Lehmkuhl
ski paddle norway: Day 223.2 The rocky slabs on the islands to the north of Stokksund
ski paddle norway: Day 223.4 The fertile farms on the south side of Bomlofjord by Oklandsnes bask in the evening sun
ski paddle norway: Day 223.5 The evening sun on the conifer forest by Slettene on the south side of Bomlofjord
ski paddle norway: Day 223.6 The sunset from the bay at Oklandsnes with the Bomlo on the horizon
ski paddle norway: Day 224.2 Ryvarden Fyr lighthouse lies in the middle of the exposed Sletta
ski paddle norway: Day 223.1 A gaff rigged sailing boat in Selbjornfjord
ski paddle norway: Day 225.1 Haugesund was a busy centre with a rich maritime history and a wealth of traditional boats were moored throughout the centre
ski paddle norway: Day 225.2 After Haugesund I paddled down the industrial Karmsund until I escaped through the delightful Roksund to Forresfjord
ski paddle norway: Day 226.2 Fjoloy Fyr lighthouse was surrounded by roack slabs glistening in the sun after the rain showers
ski paddle norway: Day 226.3 Suddenly Richard appeared beside me in a beautiful wooden kayak he had made himself
ski paddle norway: Day 226.5 Richard and myself just outside the inlet at Kvernevik by Stavanger
ski paddle norway: Day 226.6 A very warm welcome from Mr Amundsen and his son Tom who has just finished the same kayak trip along Norways' entire coast