Dave Linscheid: Still Standing
Dave Linscheid: Now the Only Sound is the Wind
Dave Linscheid: The Former GTA Grain Eleavator, Butterfield MN
Dave Linscheid: Winfred's World
Dave Linscheid: If Houses Could Speak...
Dave Linscheid: Time Collects Another Debt
Dave Linscheid: The End is Near
Dave Linscheid: Freeze Frame
Dave Linscheid: Clouded Windows
Dave Linscheid: A Memory Bottled
Dave Linscheid: Tail Light
Dave Linscheid: The End is Near...Again
Dave Linscheid: Dandilion and Country School
Dave Linscheid: Abandoned Barn, Watonwan County, Minnesota
Dave Linscheid: Where Children Once Played
Dave Linscheid: Abandoned Farm Site, Western Watonwan County, MN
Dave Linscheid: Abandoned in a Corner
Dave Linscheid: Abandonment, Inside
Dave Linscheid: Interior, Abandoned Barn
Dave Linscheid: Nowhere to Go
Dave Linscheid: Abandoned
Dave Linscheid: Kansas Lake Lutheran Church, the West Side
Dave Linscheid: Where the Road Ended
Dave Linscheid: What Remains
Dave Linscheid: A Lonely Place
Dave Linscheid: Abandoned Barn in November sun
Dave Linscheid: Reflecting on Abandonment