qazplm098: Moon
qazplm098: Common teasel
qazplm098: Dunnock, Newington, Kent
qazplm098: Brent Goose, Lower Halstow, Kent
qazplm098: Redshank, Lower Halstow, Kent
qazplm098: Turnstone, Lower Halstow, Kent
qazplm098: Avocet, Lower Halstow, Kent
qazplm098: A Canterbury Roof
qazplm098: Jackdaw, Canterbury, Kent
qazplm098: Oystercatcher, Lower Halstow, Kent
qazplm098: Egret, Lower Halstow, Kent
qazplm098: Borden Church outside, Kent
qazplm098: Borden Church inside, Kent
qazplm098: One leaf amoung many
qazplm098: November Rose
qazplm098: Got all my ducks in a row
qazplm098: The Prisoner
qazplm098: Autumn leaves in the stream
qazplm098: After the catch, Whitstable Harbour, Kent
qazplm098: Fungi, Lower Halstow, Kent
qazplm098: Kestrel, Lower Halstow, Kent
qazplm098: Bird on a Roof, Canterbury, Kent
qazplm098: Half of a Fly agaric mushroom (the other half had large bitemark shaped chunks missing)
qazplm098: Telegraph pole covered in ivy
qazplm098: Brown Rat, Lower Halstow, Kent
qazplm098: Rose and insects
qazplm098: Grebe, Canterbury, Kent
qazplm098: Weed
qazplm098: Common Darter (female), Canterbury, Kent
qazplm098: The Gulls are off, Lower Halstow, Kent