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Garden 2009 by B Walter
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B Walter
8/21 at 11:42 am
B Walter
Lambs Ears
B Walter
Fennel, host of the caterpillar that will become a Black Swallowtail Butterfly
B Walter
Sunday, 8/16 about 12:15 pm
B Walter
Saturday, 8/15 about 4:30 pm
B Walter
8/24 at 6:30 pm
B Walter
in the garden 03/31/2009
B Walter
In the garden
B Walter
spring flowers
B Walter
enjoying a spring afternoon
B Walter
new development!
B Walter
caterpillar youngest
B Walter
caterpillar next to eldest
B Walter
caterpillar next to youngest
B Walter
caterpillar eldest
B Walter
skipper on tithonia
B Walter
8/30 at 11:32 am
B Walter
elder grasshopper that lives in the lavender
B Walter
late summer surprise cypress vine (Ipomoea quamoclit)
B Walter
skipper on tithonia
B Walter
skipper on tithonia
B Walter
skipper on tithonia
B Walter
skipper on tithonia
B Walter
skippers on tithonia
B Walter
8/30 at 3:00 pm
B Walter
9/1 at 6:45 am
B Walter
9/2 at 6:45 am
B Walter
9/2 at 6:00 pm
B Walter
bumble bee in caryopteris
B Walter
skipper in caryopteris
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