tfells: CA3I4487-Pine Warbler
tfells: CA3I9520-Tourmaline Sunangel
Ryser915: Pine Grosbeak
tfells: CA3I8254-Andean Emerald
tfells: CA3I5283-Saffron-crowned Tanager
tfells: CA3I6573-Crimson-rumped Toucanet
BN Singh: Williamson's Sapsucker
BN Singh: White-headed Woodpecker
tfells: CA3I3101-Burrowing Owl
tfells: CA3I2279-Bonaparte's Gull
rjmiller1807: Juvenile black-headed gull
rjmiller1807: Kittiwake butt
Len Medlock: FU3A0024
tfells: CA3I5526-Arctic Fox
tfells: CA3I8855-Spruce Grouse
tfells: CA3I8676-Grasshopper Sparrow
Bill Foxworthy: Sony ILCE-A7M3, , Black Skimmer, 5467, 1-250, f6.3, ISO 5000, 100-400@400mm
tfells: CA3I9136-Golden-crowned Kinglet
McCreedy: ztha and caki.devils canyon.20180721.1
McCreedy: ztha and caki.devils canyon.20180721.2
McCreedy: ztha and caki.devils canyon.20180721.4
Tom Forwood Jr: LeConte's Sparrow
tfells: CA3I5955-Black-throated Green Warbler
tfells: CA3I3451-Lion
tfells: CA3I2629-Indigo Bunting
tfells: CA3I9121-Northern Waterthrush
joeldwagner: Blackpoll Warbler
joeldwagner: Bay-breasted Warbler
tfells: CA3I8559-Northern Waterthrush
rjmiller1807: I've never seen a penguin in a tree before