Reflective Kiwi %-): Christchurch NZ - 2003
Reflective Kiwi %-): Cathedral Square - Christchurch NZ 2003
Reflective Kiwi %-): Hagley Park - Christchurch NZ 2003
Reflective Kiwi %-): Cathedral Square 2003 - Christchurch New Zealand... The Cities Iconic Landmark now reduced to rubble..
Reflective Kiwi %-): Ted's New Zealand Herald News Flash... Christchurch Earthquake Saturday September 4th 2010
Reflective Kiwi %-): Ted's Monthly Update - New Zealand Herald Headlines for September 19th...
Reflective Kiwi %-): Rangitoto - Aotearoa - Land of the Long White Cloud...
Reflective Kiwi %-): New Zealand in a Puddle...?
Reflective Kiwi %-): Pauanui Panorama from Mt Paku - Tairua - NZ
Reflective Kiwi %-): My Shadow Discovers ANOTHER Rainbow!!! %-)
Reflective Kiwi %-): Whangarei Harbour
Reflective Kiwi %-): Matakohe Limestone Island - Wangarei
Reflective Kiwi %-): Matakohe - Historic Limestone Island - Whangarei NZ
Reflective Kiwi %-): Matakohe - Historic Limestone Island - Whangarei NZ
Reflective Kiwi %-): Claphams Clock Museum - Whangarei - NZ
Reflective Kiwi %-): Claphams Clock Museum - Whangarei - NZ
Reflective Kiwi %-): Matakohe - Historic Limestone Island - Wangarei NZ
Reflective Kiwi %-): November 13th - Anniversary Shadows
Reflective Kiwi %-): Whangarei Falls - New Zealand
Reflective Kiwi %-): DEC 02 - B is for Bereavement Bear
Reflective Kiwi %-): There's a STORM Brewing.... Rangitoto - Aotearoa
Reflective Kiwi %-): Ted's NZ Herald News Report - Christchurch Devastated by another Earthquake
Reflective Kiwi %-): March 20 2011- Another Tequila Sunrise.... and a 'Super Moon' Setting as Dawn Breaks....
Reflective Kiwi %-): In Search of the Space Shuttle Over Auckland City...?
Reflective Kiwi %-): Red Sky at Night... Sailors Delight... %-)
Reflective Kiwi %-): Fireworks Display Kicking off the NZ Rugby World Cup!
Reflective Kiwi %-): Ted's NZ Herald Report - Rugby World Cup Final Tonight!!!
Reflective Kiwi %-): "Do Not Walk Outside This Area"....
Reflective Kiwi %-): A Reflective Moment in Wellington Harbour - NZ
Reflective Kiwi %-): Ted & Tom's New Zealand Herald Election Guide 2011