Reflective Kiwi %-): 2nd December 2007 - Checking Out the Xmas Tree at Westfield
Reflective Kiwi %-): 3rd December 2007 - Lita's Birthday
Reflective Kiwi %-): Ted and our Shadows - Haruru Falls Paihia
Reflective Kiwi %-): Ted & Teds Brother - Kerikeri Sept 08
Reflective Kiwi %-): Ted & Ted's Brother - Kerikeri - Sept 08
Reflective Kiwi %-): 9pm 30th December - Bear Time! Computer Time!
Reflective Kiwi %-): 6pm 30th December - Ted Time!
Reflective Kiwi %-): Tram Riding - San Francisco
Reflective Kiwi %-): Golden Gate Bridge with Craig & Ted
Reflective Kiwi %-): I Left My Heart In San Francisco
Reflective Kiwi %-): Happy Birthday Stezzer! %-)
Reflective Kiwi %-): Ted & Friends - For the Whispery White Wednesday Toys Theme
Reflective Kiwi %-): Ted & The Purple Box.....
Reflective Kiwi %-): MAy 25th - Dad's Birthday.... Always In Our Hearts...
Reflective Kiwi %-): Dr Ted And My Swollen Foot....
Reflective Kiwi %-): Ted Buzz & Friends... Celebration the 40th Anniversary of the Moon Landing...
Reflective Kiwi %-): Couch Potatoes - Time Out With Ted! %-)
Reflective Kiwi %-): Lazy Sunday Afternoon... %-)
Reflective Kiwi %-): Flickr Celebs - Celebrity Ted... Thinks he's a Hollywood Star! %-)
Reflective Kiwi %-): Holiday Treats To Share With Our Friends... Chocolate Mud Cake.... Mmmmmm... %-)
Reflective Kiwi %-): Cindy and the Lost Jandal ... A Kiwi version of the Cinderella Fairytale%-)
Reflective Kiwi %-): Cindy and the Lost Jandal ... A Kiwi version of the Cinderella Fairytale%-)
Reflective Kiwi %-): Chump the Minkie.. on her World Tour... Has arrived in New Zealand! %-)
Reflective Kiwi %-): Chump has her First outing... Afternoon Tea at Mums! %-)
Reflective Kiwi %-): Chump and Ted amongst the Rhododendrons! %-)
Reflective Kiwi %-): Chumps little Present from Ted! %-)
Reflective Kiwi %-): Remembering Dad on Fathers Day
Reflective Kiwi %-): Chump being Consoled by Ted and Tom.....
Reflective Kiwi %-): Chump has a Day at Images In Space
Reflective Kiwi %-): Ted's got the Monday Morning Blues....