lady_isabeau13: Mark and Anna hang the garland in the balcony
lady_isabeau13: Anna shows Mark where to hang the poinsettias
lady_isabeau13: Mark adjusts the poinsettias
lady_isabeau13: Ben gets the tree started
lady_isabeau13: poodle cut
lady_isabeau13: Suzan fluffs the tree
lady_isabeau13: Kristin fluffs the tree
lady_isabeau13: putting garland on the tree
lady_isabeau13: looks crooked to me
lady_isabeau13: Anna adjusts the star
lady_isabeau13: decorating the tree
lady_isabeau13: decorating
lady_isabeau13: what's in the box
lady_isabeau13: what is in the box
lady_isabeau13: does this look good there
lady_isabeau13: what did Harper find in the box
lady_isabeau13: conversations around the tree
lady_isabeau13: hanging the ornaments
lady_isabeau13: what's in the box, Harper
lady_isabeau13: Harper hangs some ornaments
lady_isabeau13: Harper helping
lady_isabeau13: Harper helps with the tree
lady_isabeau13: Harper helps
lady_isabeau13: Harper is a big fan of the fan
lady_isabeau13: I haz a star
lady_isabeau13: lighting the tree
lady_isabeau13: traditional picture of Jaime adjusting the tree skirt.
lady_isabeau13: Suzan, Anna, Keith, Brian
lady_isabeau13: very interesting
lady_isabeau13: strange anatomy