rutheye: Buenos Aires
rutheye: Summer Storm
rutheye: Maggie
rutheye: Stripes
rutheye: Orchid
rutheye: DSCF0638
rutheye: DSC_4345
rutheye: Marian Schneider and Matt
rutheye: Sedona, AZ
rutheye: DSCF2682
rutheye: Croatia/Slovenia
rutheye: Croatia/Slovenia
rutheye: DSCF2581
rutheye: DSCF0910
rutheye: DSCF1196
rutheye: DSCF2784
rutheye: DSC_8082
rutheye: Legs
rutheye: Croatia/Slovenia
rutheye: X100 self portrait
rutheye: Gladiola
rutheye: Puerto Rico
rutheye: DSCF1189
rutheye: DSC_8081
rutheye: DSC_8210
rutheye: DSCF1432
rutheye: DSCF2746
rutheye: DSC_7470
rutheye: Garden of the Gods, CO