Elizabeth W.K.: 01 Bladies at Philbrick-Cricenti Bog
Elizabeth W.K.: 02 At the trailhead
Elizabeth W.K.: 03 Marsh Marigolds
Elizabeth W.K.: 04 On the boardwalk
Elizabeth W.K.: 05 Whose scat izzat?
Elizabeth W.K.: 06 At the junction
Elizabeth W.K.: 07 Painted Trillium
Elizabeth W.K.: 08 Which way should we go?
Elizabeth W.K.: 09 Cranberries
Elizabeth W.K.: 10 Nicole admires new tamarack needles
Elizabeth W.K.: 11 Bog Rosemary
Elizabeth W.K.: 12 Leatherleaf
Elizabeth W.K.: 13 Looking for witches' brooms
Elizabeth W.K.: 14 Black Spruce with parasitic Dwarf Mistletoe
Elizabeth W.K.: 15 unidentified plant
Elizabeth W.K.: 16 Pitcher Plant
Elizabeth W.K.: 17 Pair of Pitcher Plants
Elizabeth W.K.: 18 How deep is that bog?
Elizabeth W.K.: 19 Way deep
Elizabeth W.K.: 20 Another sort of witches' brooms
Elizabeth W.K.: 21 Un-movable bog depth marker
Elizabeth W.K.: 22 Not going to budge for anyone
Elizabeth W.K.: 23 On the return, leaving the bog