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I am tired and beat!
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Glass tiles
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Better use of the ashtray
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Yummy cherries!
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Coos Bay Motel 6
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The Motel 6 hot tub
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Light at the bottom of the tub
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Jet by the three
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Hot Tub Jet
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I'm unsure if I wanna stay in this way-too-hot hot tub
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Me in the hot tub
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Heather sure loves to make faces at the camera
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My little Lucille Ball
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My Heather Nikole
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Put your arms in the air!
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She makes magic water come from her hands.
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Butt prints!!! lol
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These rocks wanna be hot
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Water drops against tile
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Getting sprayed in the face!
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This is what getting sprayed in the face looks like.
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Me w/ a wall of water in front
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Light & water makes a fountain, lol.
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My Mom and Heather got more ice for the cooler
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Come back to North Bend
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Historic Bridge with new non-historic addition...
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Here's the actual historic bridge they meant.
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The cool side road to the dunes