BigMs.Take: Lily pond
BigMs.Take: Water Lily 03
BigMs.Take: Waterlily blues
BigMs.Take: Rural roadside ditches
BigMs.Take: in a rural pond
BigMs.Take: we are family...
BigMs.Take: a rural refuge
BigMs.Take: a nocturnal beauty
BigMs.Take: stars… they come out at night!
BigMs.Take: pulling at your heart strings
BigMs.Take: flowing petals
BigMs.Take: Lotus
BigMs.Take: Lotus
BigMs.Take: flowering aquatic plant
BigMs.Take: Common Arrowhead
BigMs.Take: threesome
BigMs.Take: there's a Monet in the roadside waterbodies of Bangladesh
BigMs.Take: (however) Monet's water-lilies never featured creepy-crawlies!
BigMs.Take: Floating Hearts
BigMs.Take: like the devil in disguise
BigMs.Take: Lilyscapes
BigMs.Take: Little star
BigMs.Take: blues in Spring
BigMs.Take: 2 and half stars
BigMs.Take: Nocturnal pink water lilies
BigMs.Take: floats
BigMs.Take: lotus
BigMs.Take: Common Arrowheads
BigMs.Take: Blue star and green pad