BigMs.Take: crimson clusters
BigMs.Take: stylized
BigMs.Take: Madhobi Lata
BigMs.Take: nature's garlands
BigMs.Take: Bud with flowers in the drop
BigMs.Take: Pink coral vine_02
BigMs.Take: Pink coral vine_03
BigMs.Take: Pink coral vine
BigMs.Take: Coral vine in white
BigMs.Take: Flora and fauna in matching colors!
BigMs.Take: the ones that fell to the ground
BigMs.Take: Duranta
BigMs.Take: Butterfly Pea Flower in the rain
BigMs.Take: dangling reds (with shadow)
BigMs.Take: Mysore Clock Vine
BigMs.Take: flowers at the top of the Galphimia vine
BigMs.Take: Flame Lily
BigMs.Take: drops of Glory
BigMs.Take: Coleus leaves and an Alamanda bloom
BigMs.Take: Sunbird on my orange trumpet vine!
BigMs.Take: looking down
BigMs.Take: budding Bougainvillea in the mild winter morning light
BigMs.Take: Bougainvillea
BigMs.Take: Bougainvillea blooms
BigMs.Take: Double Bougainvillea in shades of magenta
BigMs.Take: a hint of orange
BigMs.Take: diamante
BigMs.Take: the color of passion
BigMs.Take: A passion for passion
BigMs.Take: passion on the vine