BigMs.Take: Happy Birthday Bangladesh!
BigMs.Take: The National Parliament Building of Bangladesh
BigMs.Take: Louis Kahn's masterpiece
BigMs.Take: the two flags
BigMs.Take: light a light ..
BigMs.Take: lighting a candle
BigMs.Take: The arch of the entrance to Lalon's mausoleum
BigMs.Take: "don't go chasing waterfalls…"
BigMs.Take: 256 shades of green
BigMs.Take: Badda across Gulshan Lake
BigMs.Take: Egrets at sunset
BigMs.Take: a flock in flight
BigMs.Take: geomagnetic reversal happening earlier than anticipated..
BigMs.Take: color my world
BigMs.Take: skyline byline
BigMs.Take: the residence of the spiritual healer of Birulia
BigMs.Take: the artwork on a chimney
BigMs.Take: Beach brollies 01
BigMs.Take: beach brollies 03
BigMs.Take: out in the rain
BigMs.Take: Monsoon clouds over a sunset on the Bay of Bengal
BigMs.Take: post sunset in Cox's Bazar
BigMs.Take: "shine on you crazy diamond.."
BigMs.Take: eye to eye: a pair of your periscopes vs. my single telephoto
BigMs.Take: cropped crab
BigMs.Take: yellow sampan
BigMs.Take: fishing for shrimp fries
BigMs.Take: highway blues
BigMs.Take: the arrival of MONSOON (SOOC)