Focushunting: Bubble
happytummy613: P365 104-365
kjhopp: Day 83/365
kjhopp: Day 85/365
happytummy613: P365 83-365
kjhopp: Day 74/365
thebuddhagouda: 69_365 mural of the history of Hattiesburg in the main area of our library
kjhopp: Day 64/365
happytummy613: P365 67-365
mcbride.julie: 59 of 365 Crawfish at the farmers market.
kjhopp: Day 58/365
kjhopp: Day 53/365
happytummy613: P365 50-365
sarahbethbr: Mom and dad's place. So peaceful.
sarahbethbr: The back room of the store.
mcbride.julie: 43 of 365 still more hipstamatic
mcbride.julie: 36 of 365 Purple umbrella.
mcbride.julie: 34 of 365 Mushrooms. It's been a fairly rainy spring so far, so we have some interesting additions to the yard.
mcbride.julie: 46 of 365 The landscaping at work is kind of random, but I like the bright yellow flowers they have planted right now.
mcbride.julie: 48 of 365 Rocks. Taken on the walk from my building to the car.
kjhopp: Day 49/365
kjhopp: Day 39/365
sarahbethbr: Beautiful sunny day today.
sarahbethbr: Saturday. Thailand has super cool stamps
kjhopp: Day 36/365
kjhopp: Day 33/365
Christin05: Cheating and posting two photos from the same day in the name of catching up. And cause, first carousal ride!
mcbride.julie: 28 of 365 Unexpected find. Not the usual contents for a trash can at work.
mcbride.julie: 29 of 365 Scenes from the Drunken Unicorn. We went to a live taping of a podcast my sister likes. It was at a club in midtown - I felt old.
kjhopp: Day 25/365