Frühtau: Steam freighttrain across the Taurus pass
Frühtau: Across the Taurus paß
Frühtau: Shoe polisher in the streets of Erzincan
Frühtau: Landscape east Anatolia
Frühtau: Station Izmir Basmane
Frühtau: Steam locomotive 56548 in Esme station
Frühtau: Farmer with donkey
Frühtau: Chat in the station waitingroom
Frühtau: Evening in Izmir
Frühtau: Steep up behind Alasehir
Frühtau: Euphrat canyon
Frühtau: Gamble at noon
Frühtau: Happy people in a turkish village
Frühtau: Happy schoolchildren (turkey)
Frühtau: Preparing tomato soup
Frühtau: Cooking the soup for the family
Frühtau: Village near Alashir
Frühtau: Train guard patrol Turkey
Frühtau: Local pancakes
Frühtau: Pozanti station scene
Frühtau: Freight train with 56009 near Ulukisla
Frühtau: A terrified flock of sheep runs away when..