ctfy: sunset at marlatt park
ctfy: marlatt park
ctfy: konza prairie with sue
ctfy: flight of the bumblebee
ctfy: DSC_1584
ctfy: queen bee?
ctfy: DSC_4053
ctfy: DSC_2230
ctfy: DSC_2391
ctfy: brief moment
ctfy: one of the best sunsets ever
ctfy: from the road
ctfy: P10601372
ctfy: windblown
ctfy: P1040789
ctfy: golden
ctfy: spring flowers at marlatt park
ctfy: crossing
ctfy: P1020409
ctfy: P1050578
ctfy: P1060226
ctfy: rolling towards the sunset
ctfy: the tree they cut down and a field of black eyed susans
ctfy: sunset over tuttle creek lake
ctfy: golden grasses
ctfy: happy heart day
ctfy: snowgirl ;)
ctfy: path to the konza
ctfy: he loves to fly through the tall grass best