citrusjig: When we said our goodbyes
citrusjig: Hat on a door
citrusjig: Telephone (landline)
citrusjig: 2018 Anno Domini
citrusjig: Ok, everybody take five!
citrusjig: Closer to you
citrusjig: Old threads
citrusjig: The Dahlias you left behind
citrusjig: The idiosyncrasies of a former life
citrusjig: Memory beads
citrusjig: The chairs
citrusjig: The day we argued and made up
citrusjig: Little reminders
citrusjig: Her "rosebud"
citrusjig: In the fog of your absence
citrusjig: So what's your story, morning glory?
citrusjig: 3:37 p.m.
citrusjig: Because you will want to remember
citrusjig: I searched all over for you/Te busqué por todas partes
citrusjig: Twilight loomed
citrusjig: L'Oreal special
citrusjig: It's been a while
citrusjig: Those snow days
citrusjig: What is left behind?
citrusjig: Her box
citrusjig: But now there's only you