b00giebabe: Red brick detail in London
b00giebabe: The Arches Shopping, London
b00giebabe: This sounds fun!
b00giebabe: Railway bridge
b00giebabe: Pigeon courtship
b00giebabe: Young man taking photos of the bridge
b00giebabe: River view with boat
b00giebabe: Red Seat on the South Bank
b00giebabe: Statues on the South Bank
b00giebabe: "Crypto Connection" by Federico Clapis
b00giebabe: Flower shop, Gabriel's Wharf, London
b00giebabe: Before opening time, Gabriel's Wharf, London
b00giebabe: Set in stone
b00giebabe: Another Diana statue
b00giebabe: But she hasn't...
b00giebabe: Serious talk at the fountain
b00giebabe: Remainers having a rest
b00giebabe: Two police horses in Green Park
b00giebabe: Stronger Together
b00giebabe: Cornwall for Europe
b00giebabe: Blue EU flags flying in the sun
b00giebabe: Triple identity
b00giebabe: Understatement
b00giebabe: Stickers
b00giebabe: Banner
b00giebabe: Latvians for Europe!
b00giebabe: Wristbands
b00giebabe: You said it!
b00giebabe: Blue and yellow in their hair