D.M.V.: Gecko waiting for that fly to come just a little closer ...
D.M.V.: 10.14.2008 baby gecko 2
D.M.V.: 12.14.08 who you calling ugly ??
D.M.V.: me 033 Kingfisher Looking 4 Lunch at a tidepool
D.M.V.: me 023 Duck in hawaii
D.M.V.: me 021 Ducks in hawaii
D.M.V.: me 064 Australian Black Swan in hawaii
D.M.V.: me 052 Australian Black Swan in hawaii
D.M.V.: 5-29-03 044 Great Hyacinth Macaw someone brought to the beach
D.M.V.: 7-26-03 052 Parrot someone brought to the beach
D.M.V.: 12.14.2008 butterfly on a orchid
D.M.V.: 01.25.2009 104 Heron Hunting the Tidepools
D.M.V.: 01.25.2009 128 Heron eating a tako (octopus) for lunch
D.M.V.: 01.25.2009 123 Heron Hunting the Tidepools
D.M.V.: 01.25.2009 119 Heron eating a tako (octopus)
D.M.V.: 01.25.2009 118 Heron catching a tako (octopus)
D.M.V.: 01.25.2009 116 Heron eating a tako (octopus)
D.M.V.: 01.25.2009 114 Heron
D.M.V.: 02.19.2009 009 butterfly munching on my oregano plant.
D.M.V.: 3.16.2009 286 Friendly Preying Mantis
D.M.V.: 3.16.2009 246 Friendly Preying Mantis
D.M.V.: 3.16.2009 241 Friendly Preying Mantis
D.M.V.: 3.16.2009 229 Friendly Preying Mantis
D.M.V.: 6.8.2009 025 2 butterfly's in the mood 4 love
D.M.V.: 9.4.2009 013 Gecko
D.M.V.: 11.27.2009 012 puppies
D.M.V.: 11.27.2009 023 valentino playing tug 'o' war with mouse
D.M.V.: 02.17.2009 034 Gecko licking my orchid
D.M.V.: 02.17.2009 031 Gecko in my orchid
D.M.V.: 02.17.2009 025 mouse