Angelastic: Phil in a Phez
Angelastic: Yay Monkey in a wookiee kigurumiee
Angelastic: A haiku I wrote on door 6582
Angelastic: This is a horrible cat
Angelastic: RCI staff kitted out for the moustache formal and fezstravaganza
Angelastic: Merlin Mann posing with some fans
Angelastic: Yay Monkey in a C3P0 kigurumi
Angelastic: The Dreaded Cheese Plate
Angelastic: I don't know what happened to this picture, but I'm calling it art
Angelastic: My conqueror
Angelastic: Gloria
Angelastic: Fancy Pants in a lip chair
Angelastic: We got to playtest the Exploding Kittens game, whose multi-million-dollar kickstarter campaign is still running. I won
Angelastic: Some game room notices
Angelastic: Portrait of Matthew Inman in a fez
Angelastic: Arecibo Observatory!
Angelastic: Arecibo Observatory
Angelastic: Arecibo Observatory: It is pretty big.
Angelastic: Arecibo Observatory, with people for scale
Angelastic: I have a habit of taking pictures of people while they're posing for their own cameras.
Angelastic: Grote Reber
Angelastic: IEEE Milestone in Electrical Engineering and Computing
Angelastic: John