Angelastic: The road to space
Angelastic: Launch pad
Angelastic: Raccoon
Angelastic: Water tower for sound suppression system, and launch pad
Angelastic: Bus 42, so you don't have to hitchhike
Angelastic: Lunch pad (it was Julianna's idea.)
Angelastic: Alligator at Kennedy Space Center
Angelastic: Vehicle Assembly Building
Angelastic: Limited area
Angelastic: Bald eagle's nest at Kennedy Space Center
Angelastic: There's more than one way to get to the Heavens
Angelastic: Rocket halo
Angelastic: Man walks on the moon
Angelastic: Moon rock café
Angelastic: Kind of reminds me of a detector and a beam pipe
Angelastic: They took us to the sound stage on Mars where they faked the moon landing and recreated it for us. ;)
Angelastic: Actual Apollo command module
Angelastic: Mission rules (Luna has crashed. Abort, retry, ignore?)
Angelastic: Awkward pose with fake spaceman
Angelastic: Awkward pose with fake spacerobot