Angelastic: And he thought she wasn't creepy
Angelastic: To Err is Human, To Arr is Pirate, to get on that ship is imperative.
Angelastic: Cool elevator door. No, lift door! Must not adapt vocabulary to company!
Angelastic: Last Chance for 3G
Angelastic: Surprised guy reminds us which way our room is
Angelastic: All feet on deck!
Angelastic: Sunset over Fort Lauderdale
Angelastic: JoCo trying the Nanaimo bars that chicazul made
Angelastic: Sara Chicazul: Maker of those things
Angelastic: David Rees explaining the intricacies of pencil sharpening
Angelastic: Tools of the trade
Angelastic: The Casco
Angelastic: David Rees signing technologytoni's Mii T-shirt
Angelastic: Mine was the first certificate of sharpening to be marked 'at sea'; apparently the few people who got their pencils sharpened before I did either forgot their certificates or didn't wait until we'd left port;
Angelastic: They were making a joke involving balls, of course.
Angelastic: It's actually the leftover chocolate from the Nanaimo bars.
Angelastic: Qwirkle
Angelastic: I can't remember the name of the muppet Kyle reminds me of here.
Angelastic: Canoeing in Half Moon Cay
Angelastic: Half Moon Cay
Angelastic: I can't remember what she said this bird was called.
Angelastic: Coral
Angelastic: The things you can make out of grass!
Angelastic: Chicazul blue lagoon
Angelastic: Conch shell