L'habitant: St Bartholomew the Great, EC1. Prior Bolton's rebus
L'habitant: St Bartholomew the Great, sanctuary and high altar
L'habitant: St Bartholomew the Great, Cloister
L'habitant: St Bartholomew the Great, the medieval font
L'habitant: St Bartholomew the Great, badge of the Imperial Society of Knights Batchelor
L'habitant: St Bartholomew the Great, The Tudor Gatehouse
L'habitant: St Bartholomew above gatehouse to St Bartholomew the Great, Little Britain
L'habitant: St Bartholomew the Great, Rahere's vision of St Bartholomew
L'habitant: Tomb and effigy of Rahere in the church of St Bartholomew the Great, EC1
L'habitant: St Bartolomew the Great, looking towards the altar: the tomb of its founder, Rahere, is on the left.
L'habitant: St Bartholomew the Great, choir
L'habitant: St Bartholomew the Great, Smithfield, altar
L'habitant: St Bartholomew the Great, Smithfield