Rich Peters- foosqust: Backing up the spur-
Rich Peters- foosqust: Locomotive easing across the crossing
Rich Peters- foosqust: Throttling up for the big shove
Rich Peters- foosqust: Nearing the top of the hill
Rich Peters- foosqust: Stopped for the conductor to flag the crossing
Rich Peters- foosqust: Empty boxcars roll over Holt Ave.
Rich Peters- foosqust: Carefully backing up
Rich Peters- foosqust: Big city railroading
Rich Peters- foosqust: Topography of the line can be seen here
Rich Peters- foosqust: And even better here.
Rich Peters- foosqust: A scene never to be recreated
Rich Peters- foosqust: Coming back to the main with loads
Rich Peters- foosqust: Looking west- St. Luke's Hospital in the distance.
Rich Peters- foosqust: Looking east towards Chase
Rich Peters- foosqust: End of train