janet.murphy: Golden Hour, 3 second rule and light hunting
janet.murphy: rainy day but still there is light...
janet.murphy: raindrops...
janet.murphy: bedroom curtain valence
janet.murphy: valence 2
janet.murphy: light hides between the folds!
janet.murphy: major rule breaking vase photo!
janet.murphy: first light...
janet.murphy: Dining Room light
janet.murphy: dining room light
janet.murphy: Bathroom light
janet.murphy: fridge light
janet.murphy: blurry light
janet.murphy: front door
janet.murphy: front door again
janet.murphy: a little light music?
janet.murphy: through the window
janet.murphy: even dishes
janet.murphy: stars shine all the time!
janet.murphy: no sun?
janet.murphy: afternoon sun
janet.murphy: rainbows and light
janet.murphy: afternoon sun
janet.murphy: bevelled sun fun
janet.murphy: different light
janet.murphy: more dancing light!