Peladon: Waiting Patiently
Peladon: Gull
Peladon: Ring-Billed Gull Head
Peladon: Hooded Merganser
Peladon: Hen and Drake
Peladon: Ring-Billed Gull Head
Peladon: Mute Swan
Peladon: (Female?) Ruby Crowned Kinglet
Peladon: White Crowned Sparrow
Peladon: Red Winged Blackbird
Peladon: Cooper's Hawk?
Peladon: Common Tern
Peladon: American Coot
Peladon: "Yellow-Shafted" Northern Flicker
Peladon: American Goldfinch
Peladon: Downy Woodpecker
Peladon: Cardinal
Peladon: Mr. and Mrs. Canada Goose
Peladon: Baker's Lake Rookery
Peladon: Black-Capped Chickadee
Peladon: American Robin
Peladon: Common Goldeneye
Peladon: Female Red-Winged Blackbird?
Peladon: Male House Finch
Peladon: Feeding on Small Fish
Peladon: Small Bird Eating Caterpiller
Peladon: Mouthfull
Peladon: Peregrine Falcon
Peladon: Northern Rough-Winged Swallow
Peladon: Juvenile Rough-Winged Swallow