Adventure_Alternative: Original School tents used as classrooms in all villages in Solio
Adventure_Alternative: Preparing foundations in Solio
Adventure_Alternative: Finishing stages of classroom
Adventure_Alternative: Plastering on Kenyan scaffolding!
Adventure_Alternative: Completed classroom and water tank
Adventure_Alternative: Laying foundations and subwalls
Adventure_Alternative: Some of the MM Community Action Team
Adventure_Alternative: Pouring a concrete pier - Mortar-mesh technology
Adventure_Alternative: A new take on old technology, trowel-flicking on the upper mortar coats
Adventure_Alternative: L-R completed bandas, half made, framework for mortar-mesh technology
Adventure_Alternative: Teamwork is essential to learning new skills
Adventure_Alternative: Embu street children help to make the bricks used to build classrooms at Gatwe Primary
Adventure_Alternative: Classroom at Gatwe made with interlocking bricks