Adventure_Alternative: camels at the edge of the desert
Adventure_Alternative: Doing the Lawrence of Arabia bit on camels
Adventure_Alternative: desert driver
Adventure_Alternative: riding camels in the sahara desert
Adventure_Alternative: washing hair at an oasis
Adventure_Alternative: preparing for dinner on the sands
Adventure_Alternative: A client in Niger looking every bit the nomad..
Adventure_Alternative: In the desert...
Adventure_Alternative: Steve Pinfield with kids in Niger
Adventure_Alternative: Blue marble in the fabulous Blue Mountains of the Tenere, one of the most incredible sights you will see on this expedition
Adventure_Alternative: Beautiful dunes in the Sahara where we live on our expedition
Adventure_Alternative: Dune running in the Sahara, utterly beautiful and unique
Adventure_Alternative: Loading up trucks for the great journey north
Adventure_Alternative: AA Desert team of drivers, cooks and nomad guides
Adventure_Alternative: The astounding blue Marble mountains
Adventure_Alternative: Trucks waiting at a crossroads town in Niger enroute to Libya and the West
Adventure_Alternative: dusk in the Saharan dunes, we spend our time exploring this region of northern Niger
Adventure_Alternative: Even in the sahara we can get our technology working, One client checks his hotmail..
Adventure_Alternative: Touareg lady
Adventure_Alternative: watering hole in the Tenere Desert
Adventure_Alternative: Wonderful bread for sale on the streets of Niger
Adventure_Alternative: Street vendor in Agadez
Adventure_Alternative: Making salt the old way in Bilma, this process is thousands of years old
Adventure_Alternative: Colourful displays on the streets in Agadez
Adventure_Alternative: Donkeys pass on the way to market
Adventure_Alternative: Local people in Agadez, very friendly and inquisitive
Adventure_Alternative: Butcher on the streets of Agadez
Adventure_Alternative: market stalls in Agadez