Adventure_Alternative: Kids across Kenya will show you a genuine enthusiasm to learn
Adventure_Alternative: Teaching in Kenya
Adventure_Alternative: Teaching in Kenya
Adventure_Alternative: Nyasidi School in Western Kenya since this photo Moving Mountains has put in new chairs, tables and floors
Adventure_Alternative: Wagai Primary School - one of the classrooms set in beautiful grounds.
Adventure_Alternative: Teaching in Nyasidhi School
Adventure_Alternative: Education is really the key to it all, the future of Africa and it is something you can provide!
Adventure_Alternative: Nyasidi School Western Kenya
Adventure_Alternative: African children are photogenic but the bigger picture sees a need for clever use of money, so that these kids get something for life not just for their school years
Adventure_Alternative: Muthurwa School
Adventure_Alternative: kenya 06 007
Adventure_Alternative: African kids are no different to any other kids, they love attention and love and fun and if you teach them right, they will soak it up like a sponge. Both your lives will be changed forever in the process
Adventure_Alternative: Overcrowded classrooms in rural Kenya
Adventure_Alternative: Andy Hunt is a member of our Africamp staff team
Adventure_Alternative: Fletch and Phil, Gap Teachers working with the Orphanage Children
Adventure_Alternative: Baz with kids in Muthurwa School Nairobi
Adventure_Alternative: Typical Kenyan School in good condition
Adventure_Alternative: School kids in Kibera slum, Nairobi
Adventure_Alternative: Embu County Primary
Adventure_Alternative: Happy children in the school where we put gap students
Adventure_Alternative: Gilbert Njeru runs our programmes in Embu including medical and teaching placements and our projects in the slums along with the Africamp expedition every summer.
Adventure_Alternative: Maurice Odindo, our man in Siaya, Western Kenya
Adventure_Alternative: Muthurwa Library
Adventure_Alternative: The Community Centre in Ulamba where gap teachers help with community projects
Adventure_Alternative: Teaching secondary school students in Kenya
Adventure_Alternative: Old classrooms
Adventure_Alternative: Wagai School
Adventure_Alternative: wagai school
Adventure_Alternative: Farming at Ulamba Orphanage
Adventure_Alternative: Orphans kitted out in new clothes