Nickbird95: Adult male Surf Scoter
Nickbird95: Snowy Owl
Nickbird95: Snowy Owl
Nickbird95: American Oystercatchers
Nickbird95: Great Cormorant
Nickbird95: Male Black Scoter
Nickbird95: Quiz bird (for W&M students only)
Nickbird95: Adult Male Surf Scoter
Nickbird95: Northern Gannet
Nickbird95: White-winged Scoter
Nickbird95: Wild (?) Emu
Nickbird95: White-crowned Sparrow
Nickbird95: Common Raven
Nickbird95: This shot of our first (College of William & Mary) Ornithology class list (and my state first) Eared Grebe was just submitted to National Geographic for their May cover photo.
Nickbird95: Horned Grebes in various states of pre-alternate molt off of Gloucester Point, Va.
Nickbird95: Singing Louisiana Waterthrush on Matoaka trails right behind the rec today, Apr. 8
Nickbird95: Season's first Ovenbird in the Matoaka woods
Nickbird95: Not a great picture but new for the class list, a Black-and-white Warbler in the Matoaka woods!
Nickbird95: Worm-eating Warbler
Nickbird95: Blue-headed Vireo
Nickbird95: American Redstart singing
Nickbird95: Rose-breasted Grosbeak
Nickbird95: Chestnut-sided Warbler
Nickbird95: Chestnut-sided Warbler
Nickbird95: Indigo Bunting
Nickbird95: Veery (trust me)
Nickbird95: Ovenbird