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Bruce Coleman by B Coleman
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B Coleman
BMC, Maya Krause and students in Pisa.
B Coleman
Bruce teaching
B Coleman
BMC in Sicily
B Coleman
BMC at the Quirini Stampalia in Venice
B Coleman
BMC holding forth at the Villa Rotunda, Vicenza
B Coleman
BMC and students in Berlin
B Coleman
BMC in Berlin April 2006
B Coleman
BMC in Berlin , April 2006
B Coleman
Francisco Sanin, Nieves Mestre, BMC
B Coleman
BMC in Cinque Terre, Italy, summer 2006_002
B Coleman
Bruce and Jamie Cooper at Casa Del Fascio by Terragni in Como
B Coleman
BMC "ahh ... the feel of architecture"
B Coleman
BMC with SU Florence faculty
B Coleman
BMC November 14 2008
B Coleman
BMC and Daniel di Riva at SU jury
B Coleman
Oswald Matthias Ungers, Werner Seligmann, Bruce Coleman in Ithaca 1966