marshmallow❀mosaic: I'll stop thinking about committing seppuku if you promise to take more photos of me.
marshmallow❀mosaic: In the Shade, again.
marshmallow❀mosaic: And then, I will be airborne...
marshmallow❀mosaic: The white shirt
marshmallow❀mosaic: Looking Smug
marshmallow❀mosaic: In the Shade
marshmallow❀mosaic: Light Appears
marshmallow❀mosaic: the cold returns.. but..
marshmallow❀mosaic: do you feel it?
marshmallow❀mosaic: do you hear it?
marshmallow❀mosaic: a bewitching lullaby...
marshmallow❀mosaic: There's Magic in these Woods...
marshmallow❀mosaic: coat still needed
marshmallow❀mosaic: Precaution, still chilly in early AM
marshmallow❀mosaic: Don't Call Me Doll
marshmallow❀mosaic: thanks, but no thanks.